Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!

Winter Wonderland

It's SNOW fun!! The kids wanted to play out in the snow so bad and I wanted to take a few pictures of them for something I was doing for Christmas, so went to the park around the corner to take a few pics. The kids had fun even for just the short amount of time we were out.

The sock snatcher

When we first got Milo we gave him a sock without a match, to play with. Ever since that day, Milo has had an obsession with socks! Preferably the kids socks. When I do laundry, if I do not get it put away, Milo will grab a pair of socks to play with. Every pair of socks ends up at his food dish. He will have 3-10 at a time, depending on how quickiy I notice and get them put away.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year we spent Thanksgiving with my family. We do every other year with them. And of course so does Jenny, but is hers the same year...nnnnooo! Seriously Jenny!

Well even with just us we had a good time. We went to my parents house. My mom made almost everything. She did such a good job; everything was so yummy. We had brussle sprouts and Oma's baked apples! Two things that you don't usually get at just any ones house. Thanks Oma for the yummy traditions you passed on to mom!

A week ago for family home evening, we talked to the kids about Thanksgiving and what it means. We made paper turkeys and the kids wrote down and drew pictures of the things that they were grateful for on the feathers. The had lots of fun and it was nice to see that they are grateful for "family, flowers, TV, and the world."

I am so grateful for my family. I have the best parents in the world. There is not a better set out there and they would do anything for me. I am grateful that I have a home and a car. I am grateful for my cute hubby and beautiful kids. Shawn is the best! He is such a great dad and always make us laugh. I am especially grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me all these wonderful blessing! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Pretty Little Ballerina

Yuck Mommy!

Mollie refuses to take a bottle. I was kind of excited when the doctor reminded me that I could start her on cereal, but Mollie wasn't excited. I decided to sit her in the big girl chair and support her up with a blanket. Shawn fed her while I took the pics.

As you view each pic this is what Mollie said.....

"Mommy, why am I in this thing?"
"Ewe Dad!"
"Ewe Dad!"
"Not another bite Daddy!"
"I think I'm done Daddy!"
"I just want my fingers!"
"Yeah, I'm done!"

Well we tried. She still doesn't care for the cereal. Maybe when we get to trying fruit it will taste better. I was hoping it would help to keep her happy while I was at work, but I guess I am all she wants! Oh, to be loved!

October in Review!

Okay so it has been forever since I have done my blog. I told my mother that I didn't want one cause I won't be able to keep it up. I just have dial up and I hate being on the computer! But, you have to know whats been up with our little family.

This month Zach was chosen as Student of the Month. I was notified by a piece of paper that he got sent home with in his backpack. I didn't think much of it, thinking that half the school is probably Student of the Month, but apparently, only 4 kids from each grade are selected. Out of four kids in the whole Kindergarten and my boy was one of them. I was so proud of him. The school had a little thing for all of the Student of the Months and Papa got to go with us. We all ate lunch together and the principal presented the kids with a school journal and pencil and thanked each one personally. Zach was pretty embarrassed, but I was proud. He also got his name and picture out in the main hall of the school.

We also had parent teacher conferences. Zach's teacher just couldn't say enough about him. He got 'excels' in every subject. She said that if she could give him higher grades, she would. He is already reading at a second grade level and is above and beyond what the teacher can teach him. My little smarty pants! I am so proud!

There's a few more pics of our month and some fun stuff we did at the pumpkin patch and Halloween!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sweet Sweet Baby

Okay, so my kids are dang cute, but let me tell you I was so disappointed with the photographer. We had an appointment scheduled at JCPenney, but they had to cancel on us. Since the kids were already ready and we were at the mall, I decided we would just go to Kiddie Kandids. Big mistake! They had only two people working there and they stuck me with the new girl. I swear I had to tell her how to do her job. She gave no suggestions. I had to pose my kids. Normally they will position them and say things like, Zach chin up. Aubrey sit up straight,scoot closer..etc" This lady did nothing. Mollie was so smiley and the girl would always take the picture at the last second when her smile was ending. Mollie was leaning for half the pictures and after I had said several times that I wish we could get her at another angle, the photographer was like, "Oh, here, let me just tilt the lense this way." Duh, couldn't she have done that like the first time cause by then Mollie was getting tired. I complained and they offered to do another sitting, but you know how hard it is to get kids ready for something like that? I hate doing pictures!!

Anyone have a favorite place they like to take their kids???

Monday, September 8, 2008

Her Special Day

We blessed our little Mollie Makenzie yesterday. Isn't she beautiful?! My mom made her dress. Turned out just as I imagined. It was a wonderful day yesterday, everything went perfect. Shawn gave her beautiful blessing and I think everyone was touched by it. He is a wonderful dad and has a great testimony. It was great to have our family with us. My brother was here for a friends wedding so we were lucky to have him there. We miss him tons. Zach got a new suit and by the time we got home from church he was ready to take it off. We had a hard time getting him to smile for this picture cause he was so ornery. All in all things went well and I am so grateful for my pretty little miracle.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Do

Okay, so what do you all think?! Isn't she beautiful? We didn't even get her permission. She cried the whole way to the salon.

The last time we cut Aubrey's hair was last year. The first time we cut it, we cut off about 4 inches, this time we cut off about 6 1/2inches. I was tired of combing through the snarls and fighting with her to do her hair everyday. So Yesterday I decided it was time, time to just chop it. Of course I got threatened by my mother because all little girls should have long beautiful hair. Aubrey's hair was beautiful, but only just after I did it, by the end of the day it was nothing but snarls.

I decided to try Cookie Cutters. It was such a cute, fun atmosphere. They get to sit in cute little cars and watch a movie. Aubrey didn't want to watch a movie or even look at the girl cutting her hair. See, he is her problem, Aubrey not only thought that getting your haircut hurt you, but that in order to get a hair cut, it meant that you would look like a boy.She didn't want short boy hair.

After it was all done and the lady got her to look in the mirror and told her how pretty she looked, Aubrey started to smile. She loved her new haircut. We had to go to Walmart and as we walked through the store Aubrey would look at me and say. "Mom, that lady (or whoever) looked at my beautiful hair!" Later at night she wanted to go for a walk so that "maybe when the neighbors go get the mail they will see my new beautiful hair!" She is so silly! Well, I think that she looks beautiful and we both glad that it was done.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What?? Already!!

I cannot believe that Zach is old enough to go to kindergarten! His first day was last week. He was pretty excited to go up until the moment we started getting ready and then he got upset cause he didn't want me to spike his hair. After I did his hair he walked out of the bathroom and messed it up. I had to do it twice before he would leave it alone! He had a tantrum and we had a hard time getting out the door, but once he saw the neighbor boy Michael out walking to school he was all excited again. The boys walked together, which took his mind of his hair.

We got to the school and I watched him play on the little playground until the teachers came out to get the kids. They had the kids all line up on these giant colored circles. I watched him walk inside the building as I held back the tears. I walked with a few other moms in the neighborhood and didn't want to cry in front of them all.

It was a big day and every mom worries about their kids. You want them to be happy and you want them to make friends. Zach seemed to do okay cause he has already made some friends. I love you Zachary! I am very proud of you want nothing but the best for you.

Monday, August 11, 2008


My brother Jeff came into town for just a few short days about a week ago. He is living in California right now. He is a certified Harley Davidson mechanic and works in a shop there. He loves his job, but misses his family and we miss him.

While he was here, he came to our house because Zach wanted to show him how to play the Wii. Of course Zach was better than him at most of the things they played like Mario Kart and Guitar Hero. Uncle Jeffrey Stayed for a few hours and Zach just loved it.

On Saturday we had family pictures, which we haven't had since I was probably in junior high. Afterward we went bowling. Jenny kicked everyone's butt. I think it was just luck. On her first game she got nothing but strikes and spares. Good job Jenny!! (Blah blah).

Okay so after we played we went to Chin Wah for lunch, on our way back to the cars, Jeffrey felt something on himself and looked down to his shorts and noticed he was wet and it stunk!! Did he just have an accident and not even notice?? Well then Matt noticed something all over his shirt. AAAHHH! We shortly discovered that is was baby poop. Jase had a horrible blowout and no one noticed until then. Jeffrey and Matt were covered! It was so funny!

Jeffrey had to leave after only a few days. We had a good time and my kids love their Uncle Jeffrey. We are going to miss him!!! Love you!!

My Mollie Munchkin

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"I'm just not gonna live in this house anymore!"

Yesterday Aubrey wanted something to snack on and asked what we had. I told her to go and look. She said "but I just don't know". So again, I told her to go look. She had a tantrum and said "I'm just not gonna live in this house anymore!" I said OK! Where are you gonna go? She started to name off names (like friends and neighbors) and I told her that they don't want naughty girls living with them. She said "how about Oma & Papa's?!" So I told her to call. She picked up the phone and called Oma and asked if she could come over for a little bit. Oma told her that Papa was sleeping and she said that she would be real quiet. When she got off the phone I told her she better go pack her bag because she was going to need clothes and other things. She went upstairs and came down about 15 minutes later with her backpack. I was busy doing something and told her I would take her to Oma's later. I was curious to know what a 4 year old would pack to move away and this is what we found.

She said she forgot her blanket and went back upstairs to get it. She came back down and said it was too big for her backpack and that she was just going to pack movies instead. I asked her how she was going to stay warm while she slept and she said "Oma has two pillows, I can sleep with her". When we asked why she just didn't want to stay there she said that she just wanted to go to Oma's. Zach said "Well, Aubrey, your family will miss you!" She said that she was just going to be gone "this many days" (while stretching her arms out wide). She kept asking through the night when it was time to go but once it was time for bed she must have forgot because she didn't mention it anymore. Such a girl!


Here are some pictures of Mollie and the kids!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Running out of Womb

Okay, so could she get any bigger! We took this picture one week before I was scheduled to be induced. Just so you could see how big my belly is, we all put our hands on my belly. This baby is huge. Of course it pays off to have gestational diabetes because I didn't gain hardly any weight, just baby. Imagine if I were able to eat everything I wanted how big I would have been, aaahhh!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Playing Dress Up

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Meet Mollie Makenzie!!!!!

Born July 3rd, 2008 at 9:16am.
7lbs 14 oz 20.5 inches

Kimberly had a very quick labor. She was induced this morning and once they broke her water there was no time to waste! Both Mommy & Mollie are doing great and she is just as cute as can be!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Almost Baby Time!

Hey All! It's Kim's wonderful sister, Jenny! Hehe
I am updating her blog to let all of you know that it's almost baby time!!! Kim has been doing great, other than having a very stuffy nose, and unfortunately she has been feeling fine lately! Her due date was originally set for 7/9 but her Dr. said she would help her out a little sooner ;) She is scheduled to go in to the hospital tomorrow, July 3rd, to be induced! We are so excited to welcome baby Mollie into this world and can't wait for everyone to be able to meet her! Be sure to send your well wishes their way in hopes of a safe, quick and easy delivery! I will do my best to send out a text to everyone I have a # for and to get photos uploaded tomorrow after the big event (depending on what time it actually happens).
Check back soon!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

It's A Boy!!

Our new little baby just arrived! You thought it was a girl and let me tell you, we were surprised too. Milo joined our family on May 22 at 4:00 pm weighing only a pound. Isn't he cute!

Shawn has known that I have always wanted a pet. I grew up having cats and dogs so when I got married it was hard to leave my kitty behind at my parents.

A few years ago we got your first pet Simon form a neighbor. Well he didn't stay with us very long. He decided to go take a vacation with his friends (that's what we told the kids), a very long vacation.

Shawn had asked me if I could meet him at work one day for his break. When I got there he pulled a box out from his car. I still wasn't sure what was going on until I heard, "meow, meow!" I was very surprised. I don't know that I sounded very excited cause I was just so shocked he got me a kitten.

We adopted him from the Humane Society. He loves our family already. Of course Aubrey can't get enough of him and I have to remind her all the time that he is not a doll and you can't swing him by his two front paws in a circle! Milo loves to lay on top of my big belly or sit on my shoulder with his head nuzzled into my neck. Milo was the best birthday present! Thanks babe!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

She wouldn't do it herself so I'm starting it for her. Her excuse is that she has dial up and it's too slow. Excuses, Excuses. We'll keep it going one way or another.