Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year we spent Thanksgiving with my family. We do every other year with them. And of course so does Jenny, but is hers the same year...nnnnooo! Seriously Jenny!

Well even with just us we had a good time. We went to my parents house. My mom made almost everything. She did such a good job; everything was so yummy. We had brussle sprouts and Oma's baked apples! Two things that you don't usually get at just any ones house. Thanks Oma for the yummy traditions you passed on to mom!

A week ago for family home evening, we talked to the kids about Thanksgiving and what it means. We made paper turkeys and the kids wrote down and drew pictures of the things that they were grateful for on the feathers. The had lots of fun and it was nice to see that they are grateful for "family, flowers, TV, and the world."

I am so grateful for my family. I have the best parents in the world. There is not a better set out there and they would do anything for me. I am grateful that I have a home and a car. I am grateful for my cute hubby and beautiful kids. Shawn is the best! He is such a great dad and always make us laugh. I am especially grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me all these wonderful blessing! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!


Marissa said...

Yay--you updated! It is so fun to see what's happening with your family. I miss you like crazy--hope things are well!

Unknown said...

hey my sweet KimmieLu, cute pics! love that you updated, I am working on my Thanksgiving post too.
Except I haven't figured out how to make the slideshow yet, will be extra long! luv u