Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mollie 8 months

Hot-Ta-Mollie!! She was almost 9 month old in these pics. Of course my hand wasn't in the pics when I bought them! Mollie is now about 9 1/2 months and is trying to stand by herself. She will let go of me and stand for 5-10 seconds. Stinker!

Friday, April 3, 2009

My Smarty Pants!

Parent teacher conferences were last week and Zach did awesome! Most Kindergartners read on a level of A,B, or C. School policy states that his teacher can only grade him up to a level F, well My Zach is reading on a level J, which is a high second grader. Mrs. Zealley says that if she could grade him higher, she would. He excels in everything and told me that we should look into the ALPS (Advanced Learning Program) for him. He has been student of the month and just blows our mind away (I think he got it from me! Kidding Shawn).

Today Zach asked me if I remember "that despicable picture" that we saw (it was in the Guinness Book of World Record Book). "Despicable" what the....!!! Do I even know what that means (yes, I do). My 6 year old is going to be smarter than his parents! Great job Zach, I love you!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Excuse Me!!!

What on earth does she think she is doing?! I was standing at the sink and Aubrey said,"Mom, Mollie is going up the stairs!" Of course I didn't believe her, why would my baby be going up the stairs? Well, here she is. She made it up 3 steps before I made her get down. No baby of mine is going to start climbing stairs. How big does she think she is? She is only 7 1/2 months old. I guess I have to put the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs now.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!

Winter Wonderland

It's SNOW fun!! The kids wanted to play out in the snow so bad and I wanted to take a few pictures of them for something I was doing for Christmas, so went to the park around the corner to take a few pics. The kids had fun even for just the short amount of time we were out.

The sock snatcher

When we first got Milo we gave him a sock without a match, to play with. Ever since that day, Milo has had an obsession with socks! Preferably the kids socks. When I do laundry, if I do not get it put away, Milo will grab a pair of socks to play with. Every pair of socks ends up at his food dish. He will have 3-10 at a time, depending on how quickiy I notice and get them put away.