Monday, July 14, 2008

Running out of Womb

Okay, so could she get any bigger! We took this picture one week before I was scheduled to be induced. Just so you could see how big my belly is, we all put our hands on my belly. This baby is huge. Of course it pays off to have gestational diabetes because I didn't gain hardly any weight, just baby. Imagine if I were able to eat everything I wanted how big I would have been, aaahhh!


Burrell said...

How funny! Your belly looks so fake in this picture! And as for being skinny while pregnant, I don't know many people who can pull that one off, but you totally worked it!

Unknown said...

Kimilu, I love this picture! How precious! You are so darn beatiful and I love how sweet and precious your babies are! I am so happy you are so close to your mom and she can see them whenever she wants. NEVER MOVE AWAY! If I ever get my blog started you will understand WHY to always if at all possible to stay close to YOUR MAMA! so glad you girls are!