Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"I'm just not gonna live in this house anymore!"

Yesterday Aubrey wanted something to snack on and asked what we had. I told her to go and look. She said "but I just don't know". So again, I told her to go look. She had a tantrum and said "I'm just not gonna live in this house anymore!" I said OK! Where are you gonna go? She started to name off names (like friends and neighbors) and I told her that they don't want naughty girls living with them. She said "how about Oma & Papa's?!" So I told her to call. She picked up the phone and called Oma and asked if she could come over for a little bit. Oma told her that Papa was sleeping and she said that she would be real quiet. When she got off the phone I told her she better go pack her bag because she was going to need clothes and other things. She went upstairs and came down about 15 minutes later with her backpack. I was busy doing something and told her I would take her to Oma's later. I was curious to know what a 4 year old would pack to move away and this is what we found.

She said she forgot her blanket and went back upstairs to get it. She came back down and said it was too big for her backpack and that she was just going to pack movies instead. I asked her how she was going to stay warm while she slept and she said "Oma has two pillows, I can sleep with her". When we asked why she just didn't want to stay there she said that she just wanted to go to Oma's. Zach said "Well, Aubrey, your family will miss you!" She said that she was just going to be gone "this many days" (while stretching her arms out wide). She kept asking through the night when it was time to go but once it was time for bed she must have forgot because she didn't mention it anymore. Such a girl!


Here are some pictures of Mollie and the kids!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Running out of Womb

Okay, so could she get any bigger! We took this picture one week before I was scheduled to be induced. Just so you could see how big my belly is, we all put our hands on my belly. This baby is huge. Of course it pays off to have gestational diabetes because I didn't gain hardly any weight, just baby. Imagine if I were able to eat everything I wanted how big I would have been, aaahhh!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Playing Dress Up

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Meet Mollie Makenzie!!!!!

Born July 3rd, 2008 at 9:16am.
7lbs 14 oz 20.5 inches

Kimberly had a very quick labor. She was induced this morning and once they broke her water there was no time to waste! Both Mommy & Mollie are doing great and she is just as cute as can be!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Almost Baby Time!

Hey All! It's Kim's wonderful sister, Jenny! Hehe
I am updating her blog to let all of you know that it's almost baby time!!! Kim has been doing great, other than having a very stuffy nose, and unfortunately she has been feeling fine lately! Her due date was originally set for 7/9 but her Dr. said she would help her out a little sooner ;) She is scheduled to go in to the hospital tomorrow, July 3rd, to be induced! We are so excited to welcome baby Mollie into this world and can't wait for everyone to be able to meet her! Be sure to send your well wishes their way in hopes of a safe, quick and easy delivery! I will do my best to send out a text to everyone I have a # for and to get photos uploaded tomorrow after the big event (depending on what time it actually happens).
Check back soon!